If you would like to apply to work at Lescombes Family Vineyards or at one of our D.H. Lescombes locations please complete the form below.
By completing this form you authorize investigation of all statements contained therein as well as a criminal background check. All fields in bold are required.
To see or apply for specific current job postings, please visit:
Job Postings for the Deming Winery: https://jobs.appone.com/dhlescombeswinery
Job Postings for the Albuquerque location: https://jobs.appone.com/dhlescombes-ABQ
Job Postings for the Alamogordo location: https://jobs.appone.com/dhlescombes-ALM
Job Postings for the Deming Tasting Room location: https://jobs.appone.com/dhlescombes-TR
Job Postings for the Las Cruces location: https://jobs.appone.com/dhlescombes-LC
Job Postings for Hervé Wine Bar in Santa Fe: https://jobs.appone.com/dhlescombes-herve
To apply to work with us at a wine festival please go here: Festival Employment Application
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